Friday, February 3, 2012

The wonder’s of living forever:

                Could you imagine never having to part this world and go to another? To never perish and stay the same age you are now? If I could choose any superpower it would be Immortality. I’d use this power to document history and to be able to experience everything life has to offer, with an un-numbered amount of years. Every monumental event in history would be documented for generations to come. For example I’d document every detail of politics and all the changes in law, rules, and Elections. Also I’d record all of the natural events like tsunamis, and earthquakes. Even the un-natural events like terrorist attacks and any wars that could happen. Immortality would also fulfill my personal wants and needs, being able to fall in love over and over again. Being able to experience having a family and raise them to be their best, to watch them succeed in their lives. I’d be able to make as many mistakes as I want and not have to worry about fixing it because I can do the same thing again if I wanted to. Traveling the world and staying in one place for a long time wouldn’t be a problem. I could live in China for 10-20 years then move to Hawaii for another 10-20 years, and not have to worry about my life being over. The fear of death wouldn’t paralyze me, because I don’t have to worry about that. Immortality would be the superpower for me. The privilege of living forever would be in my grasp.

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